Revitalize Biblical Keys to Helping Your Church Come Alive Again

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David Steele
May 30, 2017 rated information technology it was amazing
Andrew Davis understands what it means to pastor a church in crisis. But Dr. Davis also understands the joy of pastoring a church which has been revitalized. So the author is uniquely qualified to write on such a subject. The proper name of the book is Revitalize: Biblical Keys to Helping Your Church Come up Alive Again.

Davis helps readers empathise the biblical rationale for a revitalized church: "Revitalization occurs," writes Davis, "when God restores a once healthy church, helping it to modify grade

Andrew Davis understands what information technology ways to pastor a church in crisis. But Dr. Davis also understands the joy of pastoring a church building which has been revitalized. So the writer is uniquely qualified to write on such a subject. The proper name of the book is Revitalize: Biblical Keys to Helping Your Church Come Alive Again.

Davis helps readers understand the biblical rationale for a revitalized church: "Revitalization occurs," writes Davis, "when God restores a once healthy church, helping it to change course from its recent refuse toward spiritual affliction and expiry." But before outlining the biblical keys for this vital process of revitalization, the marks of a dying church are presented. They include,

• Low view of Scripture

• Man-centered rather than God-centered

• Lax shepherding of members and no church subject

• Petty evangelistic fruit resulting in dwindling numbers

• Disunity and bitter factions

• Disrespect for godly leaders, resulting in short pastorates

• Disorderly polity

• Clinging to traditions, stubbornly unwilling to change

• Selfish spending patters

• Niggling zeal for corporate prayer

• Increasingly world doctrines and behaviors

Davis notes the supreme importance of Christ who must be at the center of the revitalization process:

"The more than church building leaders delight in the infinite exaltation of Christ and his rights over his vineyard, the more humble they will exist virtually their ain roles."

With this critical foundation in place, Dr. Davis gain to lay out the components of church revitalization. The following biblical keys are each explained in greater detail:

Be Holy

Rely on God, Not on Yourself

Rely on God'southward Word, Non on Techniques

Saturate the Church in Prayer

Cast a Articulate Vision

Be Humble Toward Opponents

Be Courageous

Be Patient

Be Discerning

Wage State of war Confronting Discouragement

Develop and Establish Men equally Leaders

Become Supple on Worship

Comprehend the Two Journeys of Disciple-Making

There is and so much to comment here that a brusque review falls terribly short. Revitalize does non contain the typical pragmatic approach which is found in books of this sort. Rather, it is filled with God-centered advice that may be immediately applied in the local church context. Dr. Davis has gifted the church with a much-demand gift. My prayer is that many pastors will exist encouraged and moved to activeness as they utilise this timely wisdom. May the church be revitalized as she prepares for the triumphant return of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Jacob O'connor
Revival is so shut I can taste information technology.  I can encounter things happening at my church.  My Christian friends are on burn down, only I really feel it in myself.  I'm a dissimilar guy than I was fifty-fifty a couple years ago.  I'd like to see this catch in our community, and I appreciate Davis's insights.

Revitalize was written as advice to pastors of dying churches, merely doesn't that describe our entire country?  Every believer could benefit from this book.


1) How do you make a struggling church healthy once again?

Revival is and so close I can gustation it.  I can see things happening at my church.  My Christian friends are on fire, but I really feel it in myself.  I'g a unlike guy than I was fifty-fifty a couple years ago.  I'd like to meet this take hold of in our community, and I capeesh Davis'southward insights.

Revitalize was written every bit advice to pastors of dying churches, merely doesn't that describe our entire country?  Every laic could do good from this volume.


ane) How do you make a struggling church salubrious once more? (21)

ii) Numerical growth alone does not indicate spiritual health (21)

three) Arrogance and despair are different sides of the same money: self-reliance (26)

4) Christ at the middle of everything in the church. (50)

5) Information technology is precisely because a church building has drifted from holiness that it needs to be revitalized.  At some point, it ceased trembling at God'south holiness, and its members began seeking to fill that emptiness with the idols of Babylon. They barbarous into underground patterns of sin. They began having conflicts with one another, as would carnal people. Their marriages began falling apart, sometimes because of infidelity. They failed to raise their children in the nurture and admonition of the Lord. They busied themselves with the pursuit of money and other earthly goals. They became less discerning doctrinally and less passionate for biblical truth. They stopped reaching out with the gospel and started seeking the earth's applause rather than the world's repentance. They forsook their first honey and embraced the illicit love of the world. Ultimately, they began to wither and die. If one could take a spiritual "flight" through the secrets of the church building members' hearts equally Ezekiel did through the temple in Ezekiel 8, they would encounter modern versions of the abominations that provoked God to jealousy. A church does not dice apart from a decisive move away from holiness. And revitalization begins with repentance for unholiness and a delivery to what God says: "You shall be holy, for I am holy" (i Pet. 1:xvi). (58)

vi) True holiness flows from encounters with the holy God by

his Spirit and through his Word, and they are characterized by both terror and pleasure (59)

7) Cocky-reliance robs God of His celebrity (67)

viii) Expositional preaching: The main betoken of the sermon is the main point of the text (77)

9) George Whitfield would accept the criticisms of his enemies.  He'd promise to prayerfully consider them.  He'd accept them to God in prayer, asking God to search his center.  He would act on what God revealed and dismiss the residue.

10) Vocal service is not near alluring non-believers.  Information technology's about worshiping the eternal God (155)

xi) British missionary C. T. Studd wrote these searching words: "Just one life, 'twill presently exist past.  Only what'south done for Christ volition concluding" (171)

...more than
Mar 23, 2021 rated it liked it
Every bit many have mentioned, this volume is full of sound and practical communication. For church revitalizers asking the question "how exercise I even approach this endeavor and what can I expect?" this will be a fantastic read. Personally, I felt that his chapter on worship music was not consequent with the residuum of the book as he hinged the life of the church building on its ability to modify music style to that of the times. Maybe this was to stress the importance, merely for me it was a challenge to believe/agree with the As many have mentioned, this book is full of sound and applied advice. For church revitalizers asking the question "how do I fifty-fifty approach this endeavor and what tin I expect?" this will be a fantastic read. Personally, I felt that his chapter on worship music was non consistent with the residue of the book as he hinged the life of the church on its ability to alter music style to that of the times. Maybe this was to stress the importance, merely for me it was a challenge to believe/agree with the fact that a church's existence rides on their music mode determination. I as well wish that he would've discussed how to create a culture that equally values women in the church since one of the chief revitalization efforts in his church building was removing women deacons. Overall, the practical communication was timeless, merely I was left with more questions than answers in regards to the role of women in the church and music way. ...more
Rafael Salazar
Wow. This book ranks among the best I've read all year. Davies' story is an astonishing brandish of biblical confidence and heartfelt passion for the glory of Jesus in the church. The principles presented are fruit of long meditation and a sincere walk with God. Specially for pastors bold an unhealthy congregation, this is a book worth reading. Also, his focus on the end of all things throughout the book deeply impacted me. Such a heaven-longing writer. Wow. This book ranks among the best I've read all year. Davies' story is an amazing display of biblical conviction and heartfelt passion for the celebrity of Jesus in the church. The principles presented are fruit of long meditation and a sincere walk with God. Especially for pastors assuming an unhealthy congregation, this is a book worth reading. Too, his focus on the end of all things throughout the book deeply impacted me. Such a sky-longing writer. ...more than
April 09, 2017 rated it really liked it
An enormously helpful book on church revitalization.
Troy Nevitt
Apr 04, 2022 rated information technology really liked information technology
Solid foundational truths to build healthy and sustainable churches from existing churches in need of revitalization.
Apr 02, 2019 rated information technology actually liked it
A solid account of what is required for a salubrious church building revitalization process. Truly one worth reading for anyone interested in church life/health. I appreciated the personal accounts by the writer and at times wished there were more than. Alternatively, I think this book would be even better if co-written with another pastor who went through revitalization in a different context. Very well written otherwise.
Isaiah Bennett
Mar 12, 2022 rated it really liked it
Dandy volume for anyone desiring to empathize how to build a healthy church especially those in revitalization.
Dustin Walters
Jul 26, 2019 rated it really liked it
Readers of this piece of work are likely familiar with the of import ministry building of 9Marks. One contribution 9Marks makes is that it prioritizes the word of God for faith and exercise. This piece of work on church revitalization aligns closely with other publications from 9Marks, serves to encourage revitalization pastors and establishes a foundation for seminary students seeking to work in revitalization some day.

Authored past Andy Davis, the work is divided into seventeen curtailed capacity. Each chapter is saturated

Readers of this work are likely familiar with the important ministry of 9Marks. One contribution 9Marks makes is that it prioritizes the word of God for faith and practise. This work on church revitalization aligns closely with other publications from 9Marks, serves to encourage revitalization pastors and establishes a foundation for seminary students seeking to work in revitalization some day.

Authored by Andy Davis, the work is divided into seventeen concise chapters. Each chapter is saturated with biblical educational activity on how God intends for his church to experience new life. The author advocates for revival or revitalization based on a business firm commitment to the Bible as God'south word.

Readers will appreciate the practical suggestions at the end of each chapter. The author provides suggestions for meditation and application throughout the book. These applications and meditations developed out of Davis' personal experience as a revitalizing pastor at First Baptist Church of Durham Northward Carolina.

Three capacity resonated with me. Chapter three is entitled "Encompass Christ'due south Ownership of the Church building". Davis emphasizes the kingship of Jesus when he says, "A passion for the exaltation of Christ as head over the church must enflame the heart of all church revitalizers." (48) Christ is Lord over the church-not the pastor or a few power holders in the congregation. Affiliate five also encouraged me. There, Davis encourages readers to rely on God and not personal gifts or abilities to bring the church to life again. All ministry building leaders need reminders like this and so that humility and dependence on the Holy Spirit narrate the work. In chapter xvi, the writer challenges pastors to embrace both the internal journey of spiritual maturity and the external goal of missions and evangelism in discipleship. A work on church building revitalization would be rendered weak without some mention of how disciple-making is included in the process of revitalization.

I accept given this volume four stars for the following reasons:
i. I capeesh the author's concern for the word of God and it'south primacy in all church building life and ministry building.
2. The volume engages the reader and provides encouragement and practical considerations.
3. While I appreciate the author's approach and delivery to biblical church revitalization, he occasionally approaches subjects affair of factly and doesn't let much room for other interpretations, such every bit those offered in the church growth and seeker sensitive camps of church growth. I would have appreciated more fairness to both sides.

I recommend this volume to pastors, seminary students, and lay leaders. Revitalize: Biblical Keys for Church Growth will soon exist treasured past anybody involved in church revitalization.

Michael Watt
Jul 20, 2017 rated it it was amazing
I just recently finished "Revitalize" written by Andrew M. Davis, Pastor of Outset Baptist Church in Durham, NC. In the volume Pastor Davis walks the reader through the practical steps of bringing new life to a dying church as well as the posture of the heart that the pastor must have before the Lord in gild to atomic number 82 a church to wellness again.

Starting time with Christ's accost to the seven churches in Revelation, the first two capacity of the book lay out a biblical vision for church revitalization. Wh

I just recently finished "Revitalize" written by Andrew K. Davis, Pastor of First Baptist Church in Durham, NC. In the volume Pastor Davis walks the reader through the practical steps of bringing new life to a dying church as well every bit the posture of the heart that the pastor must have before the Lord in order to lead a church to health over again.

Get-go with Christ's address to the seven churches in Revelation, the first 2 capacity of the book lay out a biblical vision for church building revitalization. Who would want to pastor a theologically errant, visionless church that is sometimes led by unregenerate leadership? Pastor Davis reminds us that if a church repents, the candle calorie-free of Christ's glory and faithful Christian witness can shine again. Christ died for His Church and Christ is notwithstanding not finished with His church building.

The balance of the chapters go on to lay out biblical steps to revitalizing a church. They are not profound and difficult which makes it a peachy read for all pastors. The steps are simply biblical truths that many times are taken for granted which leads to a dying church. He calls pastors and church leaders to return to these biblical foundations and to stand with Christ.

Where this book actually makes a marking is how Pastor Davis gives personal testimony to how He and his boyfriend leaders implemented and led the revitalization at FBC Durham. How long will a pastor realistically wait before seeing changes in the congregation? What battles should be fought beginning and how should they be fought?

In the last chapter, Pastor Davis calls u.s. to look forward to the day in heaven when Christ's church building will be finally and perfectly revitalized and fabricated new. This truth encourages us to keep going in our personal and corporate revitalization knowing that Christ will present a spotless bride to the father on that mean solar day.

This must read is a biblically sound, gospel-centered book that pastors of salubrious and unhealthy churches should come dorsum to regularly.

Notation: I received this book as a review copy from the publisher.

May 08, 2017 rated it information technology was amazing
My first sensation of Andrew Davis's ministry came through a pamphlet I received in seminary entitled "An Approach to Extended Memorization of Scripture." In Revitalize his commitment to Scripture and love for the local church are clearly evident. In this work Davis provides biblical principals required for church revitalization. He doesn't seek to provide some one size fits all program, he describes the biblical graphic symbol and understanding that must exist in the heart and mind of the pastor for My first awareness of Andrew Davis'due south ministry came through a pamphlet I received in seminary entitled "An Arroyo to Extended Memorization of Scripture." In Revitalize his commitment to Scripture and love for the local church are clearly evident. In this work Davis provides biblical principals required for church building revitalization. He doesn't seek to provide some one size fits all programme, he describes the biblical graphic symbol and understanding that must be in the eye and mind of the pastor for revitalization to occur.

I profoundly appreciate the transparency seen throughout this book. Davis throughout the book illustrates the points he make either through his personal feel or through the history of the church building. His emphasis on personal holiness and dependence on God to do a work only He can do are refreshing to read in a book of this sort. Likewise often it seems ministry leaders put forrard programs as infallible tools to bring about revitalization in the local church, an error that Davis avoids in this book.

I call back this book should be on every pastor's book shelf. Some might hear about this book and think they have know need of a book similar this and they would be profoundly mistaken. First the vast bulk of churches in N America or plateaued or declining and in demand of revitalization. 2nd even if one constitute themselves in 1 of the very few churches doing well the principals puts forrad by Davis in this book are applicable to any pastor in any church context. It would exist plain stupidity non to get this book and learn from one who has plodded through the difficult and unsafe journey of church revitalization.

Disclosure: I received an avant-garde review copy of the book from the publisher for the purpose of reviewing it. The opinions I accept expressed are my own, and I was not required to write a positive review

Kim Shay
I had to read this book for a pastoral theology class. I retrieve the principle is great, only reducing the "revitalization" of any church to i individual is total of potential for corruption. Revitalization in whatsoever church building does require adept leadership, just I didn't similar how the writer talked most "the church revitalizer" as if it was a job description, separate from the phone call of a pastor.

It was one of those books that could easily be a series of blog posts. The introductions to the chapters were well-i

I had to read this book for a pastoral theology form. I remember the principle is not bad, but reducing the "revitalization" of any church to one individual is full of potential for abuse. Revitalization in any church does require proficient leadership, simply I didn't like how the author talked virtually "the church revitalizer" as if it was a job description, divide from the call of a pastor.

Information technology was one of those books that could easily be a series of web log posts. The introductions to the chapters were well-intentioned, merely I would doubtable for many people reading information technology, simply getting to the point would exist preferred. The end of each affiliate did have practical suggestions which were helpful.

The model of this book relies on the leadership of every church existence entirely undertaken past men. One of the chapters is about establishing male person leaders. The author claims that in any church revitalization program, ultimately God will raise up a visionary human being. Apparently, there are no visionary women, and if there are, they must stay silent. The author as well had every bit recommended reading the infamous Recovering Biblical Manhood and Womanhood every bit a suggested resource. Because of my personal convictions, I would never recommend that book as a resource.

That said, in that location were a few practical points which were helpful, but if I hadn't had to read it for a class, I would never take picked it up, nor did I find anything in it that wasn't simply mutual sense.

...more than
Nov 07, 2017 rated information technology it was ok
This volume is full of practical advice for leading church building revitalization. Davis urges us toward holy living, delivery to prayer, clear, biblically informed vision, a lifestyle of discipleship, and spiritual vitality. Lots of good stuff here.

Why two stars? Because the complementarianism is a little difficult to take. Davis's journey of church revitalization begins when he leads his congregation in repentance for electing a woman deacon. Subsequently he insists on the necessity of male leadership. I believe

This book is full of practical advice for leading church revitalization. Davis urges us toward holy living, delivery to prayer, clear, biblically informed vision, a lifestyle of discipleship, and spiritual vitality. Lots of good stuff here.

Why two stars? Because the complementarianism is a picayune hard to accept. Davis'due south journeying of church building revitalization begins when he leads his congregation in repentance for electing a woman deacon. Later he insists on the necessity of male person leadership. I believe in revitalization only not at the expense of women. Eat the meat, throw out the basic.

Marc Minter
Biblically grounded principles for revitalization

Like Brian Croft's "biblical church revitalization," Davis has offered a quality contribution to the church revitalization genre. The most of import question that any pastor tin can inquire (specially a revitalizing pastor) is "What does the Bible say?" This book helps to answer this question well regarding the diverse aspects of church building revitalization.

May 08, 2018 rated information technology really liked information technology
This volume was recommended to me and information technology was a helpful read, although not all of it immediately applicable!! (Thank the Lord that I don't pastor a dying church!)

The chapters on being patient (ch11), being discerning (ch12) and, especially on "Embracing the Two Journeys of Disciple-making" (Ch16) were particularly helpful. And I really appreciated his emphasis throughout the whole book on the need for saturating everything in prayer.

Tim  Franks
Mar 17, 2020 rated it information technology was astonishing
One of the best books I have read on this topic. Andy Davis is a seasoned veteran that has been on the frontlines of revitalization. I really enjoyed the groovy mix of personal and powerful stories alongside the Scriptural backing for the path to success with this difficult job that few are called too. I would highly recommend to any pastor and church leader considering all of the truths in here are what we need for a highly Biblical church as well.
Feb 08, 2018 rated it it was amazing
I've read lots of books on church building revitalization, the art and scientific discipline of leading dead churches back to new life. This book is by far the most rigorously biblical on the topic I've e'er read. If you're a pastor or a church building fellow member at a congregation experiencing turn down or death, this book is a valuable resource.
Thoughtful and practical

I really appreciated how the author didn't simply present facts and data, but followed up each chapter with very applied and in nearly cases immediately applicable suggestions. I am looking frontwards to reading through this again, merely with the other elders in my church.

Thoughtful and practical

I actually appreciated how the writer didn't just present facts and data, but followed up each chapter with very practical and in most cases immediately applicative suggestions. I am looking frontward to reading through this again, but with the other elders in my church building.

Bradley Somers
Mar 25, 2019 rated it actually liked it
Unproblematic, direct, helpful and rooted in the Bible. Davis' book is a must read for pastors, elders and leaders in the church who desire to get a clear vision and path frontwards to seeing a renewed life started in their church building. Thankful for the clear principles, practical experience and wisdom establish in this brusk book. Simple, direct, helpful and rooted in the Bible. Davis' book is a must read for pastors, elders and leaders in the church building who desire to become a clear vision and path forward to seeing a renewed life started in their church building. Thankful for the clear principles, practical experience and wisdom constitute in this curt book. ...more
Calvin Coulter
Some helpful material here, though I'chiliad not sure how much of the advice was particular to churches in need of revitalising. It seemed to me that some full general though positive things were said over the whole book. Skillful principles for whatsoever and all churches. Some helpful cloth here, though I'm not sure how much of the advice was item to churches in need of revitalising. Information technology seemed to me that some full general though positive things were said over the whole book. Proficient principles for any and all churches. ...more than
Mark Donald

Good book with some specially good capacity. Insights into helping a dying church come alive through the Word, prayer, and for the glory of God.

Chapters are helpfully ended with application points/summaries.

Shauna Letellier
His personal feel and applicable lessons on revitalizing a dying (or maybe even rebellious??) church. Basically, go involved by praying for your church and it's leaders and personal repentance. His personal experience and applicable lessons on revitalizing a dying (or maybe even rebellious??) church building. Basically, go involved past praying for your church building and it'south leaders and personal repentance. ...more
Kyle Bueermann
A great book on church revitalization, including primal insights into the author's own journey at FBC Durham, NC. Whether you are a new or seasoned pastor, you lot'll find this book to be a wonderful tool for encouragement and equipping.
Mark A Powell
Jul 24, 2017 rated it really liked it
Helpful, audio resource concerning the work of church revitalization. The practical tips at the end of each chapter make this worth the price of admission.
Wes Faulk
Great volume from a pastor who has revitalized a church.
Pete Williamson
Practical, biblical counsel for those engaged in - or needing to exist engaged in - the piece of work of revitalizing a church. Very helpful and encouraging.
Steven Kopp
Sep 12, 2018 rated it really liked it
This guy's got zeal - and a good word for church revitalizers. This guy'due south got zeal - and a good word for church building revitalizers. ...more
Daniel Kleven
January 22, 2020 rated it information technology was amazing
Excellent. Recommended for any pastor, non just those "revitalizing." Excellent. Recommended for any pastor, not only those "revitalizing." ...more
Rev James
Lot of information

Really proficient direction, a lot I had known, but was skilful to exist confirmed in and a lot that filled in gaps. Overall very good guide to renewing a church building.

Andrew M. Davis is pastor of First Baptist Church of Durham, North Carolina, and a visiting professor of church history at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary. Chairman of the governance committee of the Gospel Coalition, Davis has written articles for TGC's pop website and has spoken in plenary and breakout sessions at TGC'due south national conference. He is the author of An Space Journey, Andrew Chiliad. Davis is pastor of First Baptist Church of Durham, Due north Carolina, and a visiting professor of church building history at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary. Chairman of the governance commission of the Gospel Coalition, Davis has written articles for TGC'south popular website and has spoken in plenary and breakout sessions at TGC'due south national conference. He is the writer of An Infinite Journeying, named past Tim Challies as one of the pinnacle ten books of 2014. ...more than

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